Date: Tuesday 5 June,
Time: 4.00pm-6.00pm
Location: Heritage Quay Group Space University of Huddersfield
In 2016 the British Association of Social Work (BASW) commissioned an Enquiry into: the role of the social worker in adoption: ethics and human rights. The report explores the views of those impacted by, or working in adoption, on policies and practicesacross the UK.
We are delighted to announce the Yorkshire launch of the Enquiry Report where the authors Professors Brid Featherstone and Anna Gupta will highlight the key messages.
The event will be chaired by Steve Walker, Director of Children’s Service, Leeds Children’s Services. A panel of speakers including birth parents, adoptive parents, adopted people and social workers will offer their views on how the Enquiry’s messages should be taken forward.
This event is particularly aimed at social workers and managers. This may also be of interest to all those involved in or impacted by adoption.
Numbers are limited so book your place as early as possible by visiting