South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

At Sheffield Hallam University, Hallam Hall, Owen Building, Arundel Gate, Sheffield City Centre

9.45am                    Arrival

10.00-10.10 am       Alexis Chappell ,Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing , Sheffield City Council – Welcome

10.15-10.45am        Danica Darley, University of Sheffield, presenting her research on children in care and their experiences of criminal gangs in England.

10.45-11am             Comfort break

11am-12 noon         Social Work Awards Part 1 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),

Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director, Children and Families Services, Sheffield City Council

12 noon- 1pm          Lunch served – Networking opportunities

1pm-1.30pm            Equity Accomplice presentation by Fiona Ross and Janniffa Syed, Sheffield City Council

1.30pm-2.30pm       Dr Louise Whitehead, PhD DipSW, Sheffield Hallam University presenting on her published paper       about SARs in South Yorkshire along with a presentation about the SHU international social work experience.

2.30pm-3.30pm        Social Work Awards Part 2 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director. Children and Families Services. Sheffield City Council

3.30pm                     Close

Sheffield Hallam University is a 5 minute walk from Sheffield Train Station.  There are buses that stop at the Arundel Gate Exchange which is opposite the Owen Building and car parking close by.